Adobe Summit:おすすめセッション
2013年3月6日から Adobe Summit が今年もソルトレイクシティ開催されます。USではセッションのタイトルが公開され始めているので、その中から興味深いものをピックアップしていきたいと思います。
- Digital Advertising
- Digital Analytics
- Marketing Innovation
- Social Marketing
- Targeting & Optimization
- Tech Labs
- Web Experience Management
Marketing Innovations
発表されているタイトルを確認する中で感じのが、 今回の Adobe Summit では今までと違い、Marketing Innovations For Marketing Executives という種類のセッションコースがあるのが1つ大きなポイントでしょうか。
ここに紐づくセッションを確認する限りは、製品やソリューションにとらわれない Digital Marketing 全般についての話が話されるようです。
Then what happened?—why storytelling matters more than ever
Stories are a core component of human communication. The best have long lives—they are retold, embellished, and adapted to stay relevant as they travel from person to person. Coca-Cola’s Content 2020 manifesto articulates the company’s belief in storytelling and the power of technology to amplify the spread of the very best stories. Neil Bedwell, global head of digital for Coca-Cola, dives deep into what stories mean for the world’s biggest brand and passes on some essential things we all need to do to tell better tales.
Digital Analytics
これまでSiteCatalystと呼ばれてきた Adobe Analytics 関連のセッションとなります。去年のSUMMITであがった軸の1つである Predictive(予測・予想)系についてもいくつかのセッションがありますね。
Minority Report comes of age: Predictive customer segmentation
Intelligent customer personalization and segmentation have come of age. By proactively managing your customer through predictive marketing, you can simultaneously analyze hundreds of customer attributes in a matter of minutes to create more relevant customer segmentation and targeting campaigns. View product demos of upcoming features that are guaranteed to help you achieve a clearer picture of your customers and uncover personalization opportunities through intelligent customer segmentation.
このセッションではセグメンテーションにおける Predictive の活用について、新しく追加される(であろう)機能を実際に紹介しながれ触れるようです。
さて、毎年実施される Brent Dykes がホストを務めるRock Starsが今年もあるようです。これはいくつかのパワーユーザーなクライアントを集めTipsやパネルディスカッションを行ったりします。
Analytics rock stars: Roll with the pros to rock your analysis
Come hear top-of-the-chart practitioners from across the country review best practices for performing analysis, optimizing online performance, and driving more value from analytics. These experts reveal their tips, tricks, and power strategies for getting the most out of your analytics efforts.
Technology, people, & processes: Keys to a best-in-class analytics practice
Building a successful analytics practice requires the right mix of analytics tools, processes, and analytics practitioners. Without planning for all these factors, most customers struggle to build successful practices that stand the test of time. Here how Lenovo leadership outlines, plans, and implements the process of building the appropriate infrastructure, which compliments their specific analytics tools and goals. Lenovo discusses the Adobe tools that it leverages, as well as the maturity model it gauges success by.
Targeting & Optimization
こちらは、これまでTest&Targetと呼ばれてきた Adobe Target関連のセッションですね。ぱーっとみる限り、他のセッションでも同様ですが Mobile 系のセッションがかなり多くなっているように見受けられます。
内容を見ると実際にAdobe Targetを利用している方向けの話になりそうですが、下記のようなセッションも面白そうです。
Different screen, different world: How to optimize your mobile experience
Let’s face it: Your customers are moving to the mobile channel—many companies are seeing 20% or more of visits coming from mobile devices. To stay relevant, your business must offer them the right mobile experiences to meet their fast pace and on-the-go needs. Customers behave and engage differently with digital experiences in the mobile arena, making optimization more important than ever. Testing and optimization helps to better understand your customers’ mobile goals, as well as improve the digital design for touchscreen interactions.
Building a superhero optimization organization
Successful optimization organizations require the right methodology, structure, and processes to achieve success and grow. Companies that don’t have the right ingredients in place confront common pitfalls and challenges. Learn how to overcome these obstacles and set the foundation for a successful program that will drive continual learning and, ultimately, an increase in ROI, conversions, and customer loyalty.
2013 Conversion ROI All-Stars: True stories of optimization success
Last year presented marketers a host of challenges. This year’s All-Stars share how they met those challenges and delivered big results to their organizations using Adobe’s targeting and optimization solutions. Come hear success stories showcasing how companies like yours have used Test&Target, Adobe Recommendations, and Adobe Search&Promote to build revenue, create value for their site visitors, and deliver ROI.
SUMMITの登録は今週いっぱい(2月8日)まで大丈夫なので、上の紹介をみてぜひ行きたいという方は コチラ より登録をお願いします。もう登録した!という方は上記の紹介をセッション登録の際にご参考いただけると幸いです。