Adobe Summit:おすすめセッション その2

先日、公開したAdobe Summitのおすすめセッションですが、まだ半分ぐらいの内容なので続きです。



Digital Advertising


下記はCars.comの方も参加されるようで、事例も聞けそうです。セッションの Key Takeaways に書かれている「Examples of mobile-specific campaigns」はかなり気になってます。

Mobile advertising: Will the return on ad spend meet my expectations?
Industry analysts forecast that U.S. brands will spend over $4 billion on mobile advertising in 2013. Yet this spend level represents only 10% of the total digital ad spend. Given consumers’ adoption and use of smartphones and tablets, the imbalance between media time spent and advertising is clearly an industry problem. However, some marketers are moving forward with mobile-specific campaigns and seeing success with mobile ads in driving customer acquisition.



Bid evolution: Applying advanced attribution models in rules and portfolios
The combination of advanced bid rules and strong portfolio algorithms make Adobe Media Optimizer the most powerful bidding platform in the industry. Learn how customers have improved their bidding strategies by taking advantage of multiple attribution perspectives. Unlock the other 50% of actionable signals from your keywords that are being ignored by simplistic rules or single-metric portfolio objectives. This consistent segmentation framework empowers search marketers to define success with more accuracy than ever before. Discover which patterns you can start applying to your keywords today to improve efficiency and volume potential.

AdとTargetingの両方にかかるセッションですが、Fidelity InvestmentsとRosettaの方々がパーソナライズ・マーケティングを Cusotmer Experienceを軸に話すセッションがありました。内容を見る限り、自分は今回一番聞きたいセッションかもしれません。

The Me channel: Essential keys to personalized marketing effectiveness
Attention marketers: Put the funnel down and slowly back away. Consumers are now in charge! They are connected. They are on the go and armed with information. Yes, there are new rules. When the consumer is king (or queen), the Me channel is the only channel that truly counts. In today’s marketplace, the role of the brand is to enable and optimize the path from research to purchase and facilitate a customer journey that is personalized and relevant. Join Michael Prebenda, senior vice president of consumer strategy at Fidelity Investments, and Mark Taylor, chief operating officer at Rosetta, as they walk through proven tactics for effective personalized marketing and identify ways to succeed in this new environment.

Social Marketing


Going global: Scaling your business for social marketing success
Meeting the demands of a global social audience is a head-scratcher. How do you organize your marketing team and structure your external communities for success in social media? How do you manage a consistent brand presence across business units, regions, languages, teams, and time zones? Making this happen requires establishing the right roles, processes, systems, and strategy across the company. Learn how global brands are organizing internally to connect with their customers and get answers to some of the toughest questions companies are facing as they mobilize their social efforts.



Proving social ROI: How to connect social interactions to business results
While we all intuitively recognize that social media influences business, who can prove it? As social becomes increasingly integrated into the marketing fold, it’s more important than ever for companies to understand the metrics and data required to demonstrate social impact. Marketers must be able to use that data to optimize social campaigns and extract greater benefits from their efforts. Learn step-by-step how to connect social activity with key performance indicators and inform your social strategy through systematic use of business insights regarding what’s working—and what’s not.


ということで広告系とソーシャル系のピックアップをしてみました。Adobe Summitではこれ以外にも、技術系やWeb Experience Managamentなど非常に多くのセッションがありますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ。

また、SUMMITの登録は今週いっぱい(2月8日)まで大丈夫なので、上の紹介をみてぜひ行きたいという方は コチラ より登録をお願いします。

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